
The Coco Platform formally verifies Coco components and ports for a broad range of properties, ranging from runtime errors through to advanced liveness properties. This section gives an overview of all of the properties verified for ports and components.


When verifying the correctness of a Coco port, the Coco Platform verifies whether the port state machine is well-formed, usable, and implements the base port correctly in the case that it inherits a base port.

Well-formedness Checks

A port state machine is well-formed precisely when:

  • There are no runtime errors.
  • It is responsive: The port state machine must always eventually allow another function call to be made. In other words, every handler must eventually terminate.
  • In any state, an event is not legal and illegal.
  • There are no infinite sequences of empty spontaneous transitions, where an empty spontaneous transition is one that does not send any signals, or alter the state.

In addition, the Coco Platform will give warnings if a port state machine has any:

These two checks are highlighted as warnings instead of errors, since they do not imply that a port is ill-formed. The developer can then review these warnings, and decide whether they are errors or not in the port specification.

Runtime Errors

The Coco Platform verifies whether a port is free from a range of runtime errors including:

  • Calls to abort.
  • Calls to assert with a false argument (either as a state invariant, or as a direct call to assert).
  • The absence of a matching clause in any match expression.
  • The absence of at least one of the guards evaluating to true in any nondet expression.
  • Any Bounded overflows.
  • Any Array out of bounds.
  • Reading or loading an invalid value (i.e. a value that has not been written to yet).


A port is responsive precisely when it always eventually allows another function call to be made. In other words, every handler must eventually terminate.

One common cause for failing this check is forgetting to transition out of an execution state correctly:

port P {
  function begin() : Nil
  outgoing signal status()

  machine {
    state Idle {
      begin() = setNextState(Running)
    execution state Running {

Once port P enters the execution state Running, it remains in this state forever because there are no calls on a state transition function that lead to an event state where function calls are allowed again.

This is illustrated in the following counterexample:

User User P P begin() begin() return nil return nil status() status() Idle Running Running Running LOOP The port can perform an unbounded sequence of behaviour without communicating to its client. Responsiveness counterexample

Empty Spontaneous Transitions

A port state machine is not allowed to perform an infinite sequence of empty spontaneous transitions, where an empty spontaneous transition is one that does not send any signals, or alter the state.

Consider the following examples of ports that fail this verification check:

port P1 {
  function f() : Nil
  outgoing signal sig()

  machine {
    f() = {}
    spontaneous = {}

port P2 {
  function f() : Nil
  outgoing signal sig()

  machine {
    state S1 {
      spontaneous = setNextState(S1)

P1 and P2 can each perform an infinite sequence of empty spontaneous transitions without sending any signals or altering the state.

The failure of this verification check is commonly caused by expressions in the spontaneous transition body that have erroneous guards, as illustrated by the following example:

port P3 {
  function begin(x : Bool) : Nil
  outgoing signal status(x : Bool)

  machine {
    state S1 {
      begin(x : Bool) = setNextState(S2(x))
    state S2(allowed : Bool) {
      spontaneous = nondet {
          if (allowed) status(false)

When P2 fires the spontaneous transition in state S2, it can nondeterministically choose between sending the signal status(true), or if the value of allowed is true, sending the signal status(false). However, allowed is never assigned the value true, which means that the second clause of the nondet expression is always empty. P2 can choose to perform an infinite sequence of the empty nondet clause, as illustrated by the following counterexample:

User User P3 P3 begin(false) begin(false) return nil return nil [spontaneous] n…tatus(false)},} [spontaneous] nondet {{status(…status(false)},} [nondet 1] if (…) status(false) [nondet 1] if (allowed) status(false) S1 S2(false) S2(false) S2(false) S2(false) LOOP The last spontaneous did not send any signals and did not modify the state. Empty spontaneous counterexample


When verifying ports, reachability information is computed to identify states or transitions that can never be reached. A state S is reachable in a state machine M precisely when there exists a sequence of events from the initial state of M to an instance of S. A transition T is reachable in a state machine M precisely when there exists a path from the initial state of M to a state where T can be executed.

Consider the following example of a simple port P:

port P {
  function begin() : Nil
  function doSomething() : Nil
  function stop() : Nil
  outgoing signal error()
  outgoing signal finished()

  machine {
    state Initial {
      begin() = setNextState(Active)

    state Active {
      var isOk : Bool

      if (isOk) doSomething() = {
      if (!isOk) doSomething() = error()
      if (isOk) stop() = setNextState(Stopping)
      spontaneous = {
        isOk = false;

    state Stopping {
      spontaneous = finished()

Port P fails the verification with a warning that it has unreachable states or transitions. When double-clicking on the reachability assertion, a structured tabular view of the results is displayed in the Counterexamples view, and the corresponding code for P is highlighted to reflect the reachability information:


Starting with the structured tabular view, the states are listed in the first column, and are indented to reflect the state hierarchy. The top two rows list the function calls that can be called on components or ports, and in the case of components only, the signals that they can receive. For every event and state pair in the table, either the entry is blank, indicating that no transition is declared for this event in this state, or it has one of the following icons:

Icon Meaning
../_images/reachable.svg All the transitions declared for this event are reachable in this state.
../_images/part-reachable.svg There are multiple transitions declared for this event in this state, but only some of them are reachable.
../_images/unreachable.svg All the transitions declared for this event are unreachable in this state.

In port P above, there is an example of each of these: in the state Initial, the transition for the function begin() is reachable (denoted by reachable), whereas the transition declared for stop() in the state Active is unreachable (denoted by unreachable). Further, there are multiple transitions declared for the function doSomething() in Active, some of which are reachable and some are not (denoted by part-reachable). The reachability status of states is also displayed, where the red cells with the state identifiers displayed in italics denote unreachable states, and the green cells denote reachable ones.

The code highlighting in the Coco Editor provides another view of the reachability results. In the case where there are both reachable and unreachable transitions declared for an event in the same state (denoted by part-reachable in the structured view), the code highlighting identifies precisely which ones are reachable and which ones are not. This is illustrated in the example above with the transitions for the function doSomething() in the state Active.

To remove the highlighting in the Coco Editor, click on the large grey X in the top right hand corner of the Counterexamples view.

The Coco Platform also displays reachability warnings as a state machine diagram. For the example above, this results in the following diagram:


By default, unreachable states and transitions are flagged as warnings (instead of errors). These warnings can be suppressed using the attribute @ignoreWarning(.Unreachable). If all unreachable states and transitions are labelled with this attribute, then the assertion will pass the verification.

Dead States

A dead state is one where: i) every event transition is either disabled or results in the illegal handler, and ii) there are no enabled spontaneous transitions that are guaranteed to fire. The verification will find any dead states that are reachable from the initial state of the port state machine, with the exception of the built-in Terminated state, which is not considered to be a dead state.

Consider the following example:

function inRange(n : Int, l : Int, u : Int) : Bool = n >= l && n <= u

port P {
  function f() : Nil

  machine {
    var count : Int = 5
    state S {
      if (inRange(count, 0, 5)) f() = {
        count = -1;

In state S, port P can perform the function f(), resulting in count being set to -1. The state machine remains in state S, but now the guard evaluates to false. This means that f() is illegal, and therefore the state machine has reached a dead state.

By default, dead states are flagged as warnings rather than as errors. These warnings can be suppressed using the attribute ignoreWarning(.DeadState):

function inRange(n : Int, l : Int, u : Int) : Bool = n >= l && n <= u

port P {
  function f() : Nil

  machine {
    var count : Int = 5
    state S {
      if (inRange(count, 0, 5)) f() = {
        count = -1;

This makes the verification engine ignore the dead state previously found, and this check now passes.

Usability Checks

Ports are often nondeterministic, and can have spontaneous transitions that result in state changes without any external stimuli from components using them. This means that it is possible to build a port that is potentially unusable by components.

A port P will fail this usability check precisely when: for some function call f() of P, there exists two sequences of events p1 and p2 from P’s initial state such that:

  • p1 and p2 have the same sequence of visible function calls and signals from the viewpoint of a component using P;
  • p1 leads to a state S1 where f() is illegal; and
  • p2 leads to a state S2 where f() is permitted.

Consider the following example:

port P {
  function f() : Nil

  machine {
    state S1 {
      f() = setNextState(S2)
    state S2 {
      spontaneous = setNextState(S1)

Port P starts in state S1 where it can perform the function call f() and transition to state S2. In S2, f() is illegal; if a component using P called f() while P is in state S2, then this will be caught as a verification error by the well-formedness checks done on the component. However, in state S2, P is able to perform a spontaneous transition, resulting in a state change to S1 where f() is allowed. From the viewpoint of a component C using P, after it has called f() in state S1, C cannot determine whether the port is still in state S2, or has in fact performed the spontaneous transition and returned to state S1. As a result, C is not able to determine whether it can call f() again. This error is illustrated by the following counterexample:

instance1 instance1 User User instance2 instance2 f() f() f() f() return nil return nil return nil return nil [spontaneous] s…etNextState(S1) [spontaneous] setNextState(S1) f() f() f() f() return nil return nil illegal illegal S1 S1 S2 S2 S2 S2 S1 S2 S2 S2 The last function call was ambiguously illegal: instance1 declared the event as legal instance2 declared the event as illegal Ambiguously illegal counterexample

This counterexample shows two sequences of events (labelled instance1 and instance2) from the initial state of P that are indistinguishable from the viewpoint of a component using P, but that nonetheless lead to two different states, one where f() is permitted and one where f() is illegal.

When a port fails this usability check, it is treated as a warning rather than an error, as it does not always mean that the port is unusable. Consider the following extension to port P above:

port P1 {
  function f() : Nil
  function isStable() : Bool

  machine {
    state S1 {
      isStable() = true
      f() = setNextState(S2)
    state S2 {
      isStable() = false
      spontaneous = setNextState(S1)

P1 has an additional function isStable(), which returns true when called in state S1 and false when called in state S2. Although P1 will still fail the usability check, it is possible to build a component that uses this port and is able to determine when it can call f() correctly:

component C {
  val client : Provided<P0>
  val source : Required<P1>

  machine {
    client.begin() = if (source.isStable()) source.f()

In this simple example, C only calls f() on its required port source when source is in state S1 where f() is permitted.

The usability warning can be suppressed by annotating the port’s state machine with the @ignoreWarning attribute as follows:

port P {
  function f() : Nil

  machine {
    state S1 {
      f() = setNextState(S2)
    state S2 {
      spontaneous = setNextState(S1)

Implements the Base Port Specification

When a derived port with a state machine inherits one or more ports with state machines, then the Coco Platform will verify whether the behaviour specified in the derived port complies with that specified in each of the base ports it inherits. When this verification check passes, it means that if a component using one of these base ports as a required port passes all of its verification checks, then the component will also work correctly with the derived port substituted in as the required port. This assumes that the component would be connected to the derived port such that it can call the functions and receive the signals that are within scope of the base port.

Port inheritance requires the runtime to be specified for the derived port using the attribute @compatible. This affects the runtime that the conformance is verified in, and a port labelled with @compatible cannot be used in a component with a different runtime.

Consider the following port:

port P1 {
  outgoing signal status(b : Bool)

  machine {
    spontaneous = nondet {

P1 can repeatedly perform a spontaneous transition, which results in either sending status(true) or status(false) nondeterministically.

Now consider the following example of a port that inherits P1, and has two additional function declarations, on() and off(), together with additional behaviour specified in its state machine:

port P2 : P1 {
  function on() : Nil
  function off() : Nil

  machine {
    state Idle {
      entry() = status(false)

      on() = setNextState(Live)
    state Live {
      entry() = status(true)

      off() = setNextState(Idle)

P2 has two states, Idle and Live. Idle has an entry function that sends the signal status(false), and can perform the function on() resulting in a state transition to Live. Live also has an entry function that sends the signal status(true), and can perform the function off() resulting in a state transition back to Idle.

When verifying whether P2 complies with P1, the verification fails with the following counterexample:

P1 P1 User User P2 P2 [spontaneous] n…status(false),} [spontaneous] nondet {status(t…,status(false),} [nondet 1] status(false) [nondet 1] status(false) status(false) status(false) status(false) status(false) Main Idle Main Main Main Idle The specification expected the port to perform one of the following events: status(false) status(true) but the port was deadlocked and unable to perform any events. Missing signal counterexample

P1 specifies that it will send an unbounded stream of signals, so any component using this port can rely on them being sent. However, P2 is only guaranteed to send the first signal upon entry into the Idle state. After that, the occurrences of signals are dependent upon the functions on() and off() being called alternately, which are not guaranteed to be called.

Port inheritance is transitive: if a port P1 inherits a port P2, and P2 inherits a port P3, then by definition P1 inherits P3. Therefore, a port may inherit another port indirectly via a chain of ports, where each port inherits the next port in the chain. Since not all of these ports will necessarily have state machines, the verification will identify whether a port inherits another port both directly and indirectly, where both ports have state machines, and verify whether they satisfy this property.

A port can be labelled as being compatible in both the single-threaded and multi-threaded runtime using the @compatible as illustrated in the following example:

port P1 {
  outgoing signal status(b : Bool)

  machine {
    spontaneous = nondet {

@compatible(.MultiThreaded, .SingleThreaded)
port P2 : P1 {
  machine {
    spontaneous = {

The verification will check whether P2 complies with P1 in each runtime. In this case, P2 complies with P1 in the multi-threaded runtime, but fails to do so in the single-threaded runtime, as illustrated by the following counterexample:

P1 P1 User User P2 P2 [started] [started] [started] [started] [spontaneous] n…status(false),} [spontaneous] nondet {status(t…,status(false),} [nondet 1] status(false) [nondet 1] status(false) [spontaneous] status(false) [spontaneous] status(false) status(false) status(false) status(false) status(false) status(false) status(false) Main Main Main Main Main Main Main Main Main Main The last event performed by the port was not allowed by the base port, which expected one of: drainQueue() which a component using the provided port may rely on to avoid overflowing its queue. Trace counterexample

P1 specifies that only one signal can be sent on the spontaneous transition, after which a drainQueue event must occur. In contrast, P2 sends two signals on a single spontaneous transition, which means that it does not perform drainQueue after each signal as required by P1.


A Coco component is verified within the context of its environment, namely the required ports that it is connected to and the specified runtime. When verifying the correctness of a Coco component, the Coco Platform checks that the component state machine is well-formed, and that it implements all of its provided ports correctly.

Well-Formedness Checks

A component state machine is well-formed precisely when:

  • There are no runtime errors. These include the runtime error examples listed for ports, and some additional runtime errors such as the restrictions on single-threaded components or their required ports being violated.
  • It is structurally deterministic: In every state, there is precisely one event handler enabled for every event.
  • It uses its required ports correctly: The component only makes function calls when they are permitted by the required port’s state machine, and is able to handle all signals sent by its required ports.
  • The number of signals received from its required ports does not exceed the component’s queue capacity.
  • It is responsive: If a client attempts to make a function call on a component, it will eventually be able to do so, and if a call is made on unused(), then the component will eventually terminate.

In addition, the Coco Platform will give a warning if the component state machine has any unreachable states or transitions when it is running in parallel with its required ports. This is classed as a warning instead of an error, since it does not imply that the component is ill-formed.

Structural Determinism

A component state machine is structurally deterministic precisely when, in every state, there is precisely one matching enabled event transition that can be executed for every event.

Consider the following example:

machine M {
  var counter : Int = 0

  state S {
    if (counter <= 0) f() = { ok(); }
    if (counter >= 0) f() = { fail(); }

This state machine violates this property, since in the case where counter is set to 0 in state S, there are two enabled event transitions for f() due to the overlapping guards. This nondeterministic behaviour is not allowed in component state machines and is therefore caught as a well-formedness error.

Using Required Ports Correctly

This property checks whether a component uses its required ports correctly, namely:

  • A component only makes function calls on its required ports when it is permitted to do so, and
  • A component is able to handle all of the return values, and signals it receives from its required ports.

The following example illustrates the case where a component makes a function call on a required port when it is not permitted to do so:

port P {
  function begin() : Nil
  function stop() : Nil

  machine {
    state Idle {
      begin() = setNextState(Active)
    state Active {
      stop() = setNextState(Idle)

component C {
  val client : Provided<P>
  val source : Required<P>

  machine {
    state Idle {
      client.begin() = {
    state Active {
      client.begin() = source.begin()
      client.stop() = {

C has the required port source, which allows the functions begin() and stop() to be called alternatively, starting with begin(). However, the component C can call begin() consecutively, which is not allowed:

User User C C source source begin() begin() begin() begin() return nil return nil return nil return nil begin() begin() begin() begin() Idle Idle Idle Idle Active Active Active Active Active The last function call was illegal; it could not be handled by source because no transition matched. Illegal function call counterexample

The following example illustrates the case where a component receives a signal from a required port that it is not able to handle:

port P {
  function begin() : Nil
  outgoing signal error()
  outgoing signal done()

  machine {
    spontaneous = error()

    state Idle {
      begin() = setNextState(Active)
    state Active {
      spontaneous = {

component C {
  val client : Provided<P>
  val source : Required<P>

  machine {
    state Idle {
      client.begin() = {
    state Active {
      source.done() = {
      source.error() = client.error()

Component C is only able to handle signals coming from its required port source in state S2; any signals it receives in state S1 are illegal since there are no transitions defined for them. However, source is able to spontaneously send signals in its initial state, and therefore cause an error in C, as illustrated in the following counterexample:

User User C C source source [spontaneous] error() [spontaneous] error() (queued): error() (queued): error() (dequeued): error() (dequeued): error() Idle Idle Idle Idle Idle The last signal was illegal; it could not be handled by C because no transition matched. Illegal signal counterexample

Similarly, components must also be able to handle all return values they receive from their required ports. In the event where they are not able to do so, this will be caught by this verification check.

Queue Capacity

This property checks whether a component’s required ports can send signals that exceed its queue capacity. For example, if a component specifies @queue(2), and a required port is able to spontaneously post 3 signals into the its queue, then this check will fail.

Responsiveness for Components with Clients

A component with clients is responsive precisely when: if a client attempts to make a function call on a component, it will eventually be able to do so. This implies that every handler will eventually terminate, and the component will infinitely often be in a state where its queue is empty.

A component is assumed to have clients unless a call to unused() is made on it, indicating that it no longer has any clients connected to it.

The following example illustrates how a component with clients can become unresponsive:

port P1 {
  function f() : Nil
  outgoing signal sig()

  machine {
    f() = sig()

component C {
  val client : Provided<P0>
  val source : Required<P1>

  machine {
    state Start {
      client.f() = source.f()
      source.sig() = source.f()

Component C fails the responsiveness check because when it calls f() on its required port, the required port sends signal sig() to C before the function returns. When processing this signal, C calls f() again on its required port, and the cycle repeats itself continuously, thereby preventing further function calls to be made on C:

User User C C source source f() f() f() f() (queued): sig() (queued): sig() return nil return nil return nil return nil (dequeued): sig() (dequeued): sig() f() f() (queued): sig() (queued): sig() return nil return nil Start Main Start Start Main Start Main Start Main Start Start Start Main Start Main Start Main LOOP The component can perform an unbounded sequence of behaviour without offering function calls to its client. Responsiveness counterexample

Consider the case where C is extended so that it emits a visible signal to its environment when it receives the signal from its required port:

port P1 {
  function f() : Nil
  outgoing signal sig()

  machine {
    f() = sig()

component C {
  val client : Provided<P0>
  val source : Required<P1>

  machine {
    client.f() = source.f()
    source.sig() = {

C still fails this responsiveness check for the same reason as the previous example: Although it is able to send signals across its provided port, it can still perform an unbounded sequence of events without offering function calls to its client:

User User C C source source f() f() f() f() (queued): sig() (queued): sig() return nil return nil return nil return nil (dequeued): sig() (dequeued): sig() sig() sig() f() f() (queued): sig() (queued): sig() return nil return nil Main Main Main Main Main Main Main Main Main Main Main Main Main Main Main Main Main Main LOOP The component can perform an unbounded sequence of behaviour without offering function calls to its client. Responsiveness counterexample

Termination Responsiveness

A component is responsive only when following a call to unused(), it eventually enters the Terminated state. By definition, a call on unused() means that the component no longer has any clients connected to it, and therefore will not receive any function calls again.

The following example illustrates how a component can fail the responsive check because it does not guarantee termination following a call to unused():

port POperation {
  function execute() : Nil
  outgoing signal finished()

  machine {
    state Idle {
      execute() = setNextState(Running)
    state Running {
      spontaneous = {

component C {
  val client : Provided<POperation>
  val source : Array<Required<POperation>, 2>

  machine {
    state Idle {
      client.execute() = {
    state Running {
      var shouldTerm : Bool
      var waitingFor : Bounded<0, 2> = .Last

      source[_].finished() = {
        waitingFor = waitingFor - 1;
        if (waitingFor == 0) {
          if (shouldTerm) {
            waitingFor = .Last;
          } else {
      unused() = {
        shouldTerm = true;

In this example, when execute() is called on C, it calls execute() on each required port in its array, and moves to the state Running. In Running, C waits for the signal finished() from each of them, after which it sends the signal finished() to its client, and returns to the state Idle if the variable shouldTerm is false.

In state Running, the C declares an unused transition that sets the value of shouldTerm to true. This variable is used to determine when C should terminate once it has received the finish() signals from all of its required ports.

The verification checks whether C does eventually terminate following a call to unused(). In this case, it fails the responsiveness check with the following counterexample:

User User C C source[0] source[0] source[1] source[1] execute() execute() execute() execute() return nil return nil execute() execute() return nil return nil return nil return nil [unused] shouldTerm = true [unused] shouldTerm = true [spontaneous] finished() [spontaneous] finished() (queued): finished() (queued): finished() (dequeued): finished() (dequeued): finished() [spontaneous] finished() [spontaneous] finished() (queued): finished() (queued): finished() (dequeued): finished() (dequeued): finished() finished() finished() execute() execute() return nil return nil [spontaneous] finished() [spontaneous] finished() (queued): finished() (queued): finished() execute() execute() return nil return nil Idle Idle Idle Idle Idle Running Idle Running Idle Running Running Running Running Running Running Running Idle Running Running Running Idle Running Running Running Running Running Running Running Running Idle Running Running Running Running LOOP The component was expected to terminate following a call to unused() but can perform an infinite sequence of events without terminating. Termination responsiveness counterexample

The counterexample illustrates how C can perform an infinite sequence of events without terminating following a call on unused() in state Running. Following this call, C receives both finished() signals from its required ports, and then calls execute() again on both of them again when shouldTerm is true, instead of terminating as expected. This error can be resolved by replacing the event handler for source[_].finished() in Running to:

source[_].finished() = {
  waitingFor = waitingFor - 1;
  if (waitingFor == 0) {
    if (shouldTerm) {
    } else {

See also

Termination section for details about Coco’s default termination behaviour.

Unused Transition section for details and examples of components with unused transitions.

Terminated State section.


When verifying components, reachability information is computed to flag states or transitions that can never be reached in the component state machine and in all of the required port state machines that it is connected to. See Reachability for the definitions of a reachable state and transition.

Component Implements Its Provided Ports

If an implementation component has one or more provided ports, then the Coco Platform will verify whether the component correctly implements each of them independently of one another. If the component does not have any provided ports, then the Coco Platform will not generate an assertion for this particular verification check for the component, and instead the component will be verified for the well-formedness properties only.

When verifying whether a component implements one of its provided ports, the errors that can arise include the component:

  • Performing an event that is not allowed by the provided port. This could be a function call, signal, or return value.
  • Specifying that a function call is illegal in a state where the provided port specifies that it must be allowed.
  • Not performing an event in a state that the provided port specifies it must do.
  • Not satisfying the eventually constraints specified by the provided port.
  • Terminating when the provided port specifies that it is not allowed to do so, or vice versa.

The following examples illustrate how some of these errors are displayed as counterexamples in the Coco Platform.

Example 1: Component fails to send a signal

Consider the following example of component that fails to send a signal when it is required to do so by its provided port:

port P0 {
  function begin() : Nil
  outgoing signal ready()

  machine {
    state Idle {
      begin() = setNextState(Starting)
    state Starting {
      spontaneous = {

port P1 {
  function begin() : Nil
  outgoing signal ok()
  outgoing signal fail()

  machine {
    state Idle {
      begin() = setNextState(Running)
    state Running {
      spontaneous = nondet {

component C {
  val client : Provided<P0>
  val source : Required<P1>

  machine {
    state Idle {
      client.begin() = {
    state Running {
      source.ok() = {
      } = {

Component C has the instance client as its provided port, and must therefore implement the behaviour specified by P0. However, the verification finds the following error:

client client User User C C source source begin() begin() begin() begin() begin() begin() return nil return nil return nil return nil return nil return nil [spontaneous] n…State(Idle);},} [spontaneous] nondet {{ok();se…tState(Idle);},} [nondet 1] fail() [nondet 1] fail() (queued): fail() (queued): fail() (dequeued): fail() (dequeued): fail() begin() begin() return nil return nil Idle Idle Idle Starting Idle Idle Running Running Running Starting Running Running Running Running Idle Running Running Running Running Running LOOP The specification expected the component to perform one of the following events: ready() but the component can perform an unbounded sequence of behaviour without sending a signal. Missing signal counterexample

P0 specifies that after function begin() is called, C must send the signal ready(). As illustrated in the counterexample above, C can perform an unbounded sequence of events with its required port without sending ready. This error is caused by the fact that the required port source can nondeterministically choose to repeatedly send the signal fail(), which in turn causes C to call begin() on source again, and repeat the cycle.

In many cases, it may be reasonable to assume that the required port will eventually send the signal ok() to indicate that it has successfully completed the action. In this case, P1 can be amended to include the @eventually attribute on the corresponding spontaneous transition as follows:

port P1 {
  function begin() : Nil
  outgoing signal ok()
  outgoing signal fail()

  machine {
    state Idle {
      begin() = setNextState(Running)
    state Running {
      spontaneous = nondet {

With this amendment, the component C above now correctly implements its provided port.

Example 2: Component fails to satisfy the eventually constraint

This check also verifies whether the component satisfies the eventually constraint specified by its provided port. Consider the following example:

port P0 {
  function check() : Nil
  outgoing signal ready()
  outgoing signal busy()

  machine {
    check() = nondet {

port P1 {
  function check() : Bool

  machine {
    check() = true

port P2 {
  function check() : Bool

  machine {
    check() = nondet {

component C {
  val client : Provided<P0>
  val source1 : Required<P1>
  val source2 : Required<P2>

  machine {
    state Idle {
      client.check() = {
        if (source1.check() && source2.check()) {
        } else client.busy();

Component C has client as its provided port, which specifies that upon calling check() an arbitrary but finite number of times, C must eventually send the signal ready().

When verifying whether C implements its provided port correctly, the following counterexample is found illustrating how C violates the eventually constraint:

client client User User C C source1 source1 source2 source2 check() check() check() check() check() check() return true return true check() check() [nondet 1] false [nondet 1] false return false return false [nondet 1] busy() [nondet 1] busy() busy() busy() busy() busy() return nil return nil return nil return nil check() check() check() check() Main Idle Main Main Main Idle Idle Main Idle Main Idle Main Main Idle Main Main Main Idle Main Idle Main Idle LOOP Unsatisfied @eventually constraint; the component performed an unbounded sequence of behaviour without exploring one of the @eventually branches. at ComponentRefineError3.coco:9:7 Eventually counterexample

The cause of this error is that the required port source2 can nondeterministically decide to always return false, thereby causing C to repeatedly send the signal busy() without ever sending the signal ready() as required by its provided port.

Example 3: Component returns a value that is not allowed

When verifying whether a component implements it provided port correctly, the verification will also find errors where the component returns values that are not allowed by its provided port. Consider the following example:

external type Data

struct DataPacket {
  var haveData : Bool
  var data : Slot<Data>

port P {
  function getData() : DataPacket

  machine {
    getData() = {
      var packet : DataPacket;
      nondet {
          packet.haveData = false;
 = .Invalid;
          packet.haveData = true;
 = .Valid;
      return packet;

Port P specifies the valid combinations of fields in a DataPacket. If the field haveData is true, then the field data (of type Slot<Data>) must contain a valid value. If the field haveData is false, then the field data must not contain a valid value.

Consider the following component C that is intended to implement this port:

component C {
  val client : Provided<P>

  machine {
    client.getData() = {
      var packet : DataPacket;
      return packet;

Component C implements the getData() transition by calling the external function makeDataPacket() to complete the field data, which is declared as follows:

external function makeDataPacket(d : &out DataPacket) : Nil = {
  d.haveData = nondet {

The verification fails because C does not implement its provided port P correctly. The Coco Platform produces the following counterexample:

client client User User C C getData() getData() getData() getData() [nondet 0] true [nondet 0] true return DataPack…valid = false}} return DataPacket {haveData = true, data = Slot {valid = false}} Main Main Main Main Main Main The last event performed by the component was not allowed by the provided port, which expected one of: return DataPacket { haveData = true, data = Slot { valid = true } } return DataPacket { haveData = false, data = Slot { valid = false } } Trace counterexample

The verification fails because in component C, the function getData() can return a DataPacket in which the field haveData is true and the field data has no valid value. This is not allowed by its provided port P, which specifies that getData() must return a DataPacket where haveData is true and data is valid, or haveData is false and data is invalid. This error in the component arises because the external function makeDataPacket() does not ensure the data field is valid.

Example 4: Component fails to implement either of its two provided ports

This example consists of a component with two provided ports, but fails to implement either of them. Consider the following two ports, which will be used as the provided ports for the component below.

port P1 {
  function begin() : Nil
  outgoing signal ok()
  outgoing signal fail()

  machine {
    state Idle {
      begin() = setNextState(Running)
    state Running {
      spontaneous = {
        nondet {

port P2 {
  function change() : Nil

  machine {
    change() = {}

Port P1 allows the function begin() to be called in the Idle state, which causes the state machine to transition to state Running. In Running, the port will spontaneously send either the signal ok() or fail(), and return to Idle. Port P2 simply allows the function change() to be called repeatedly in the same state.

Now consider the following component, which has instances of P1 and P2 as its provided ports, and therefore has to implement both of them independently of one another:

component C {
  val client1 : Provided<P1>
  val client2 : Provided<P2>

  machine {
    state Idle {
      client1.begin() = setNextState(Running)
    state Running {
      after(milliseconds(1)) = {
      client2.change() = setNextState(Idle)

The component state machine starts in state Idle, where the function begin() can be called via its provided port client1 causing the state machine to transition to state Running. In Running, the component can either fire the timer transition, or it can receive a call on the function change() via its other provided port client2 and transition back to state Idle.

When the verification is run, the assertions verifying whether the component implements its provided ports fail in both cases.

The following counterexample illustrates the case where the component fails to implement its provided port client1:

client1 client1 User User C C User2 User2 begin() begin() begin() begin() return nil return nil return nil return nil change() change() return nil return nil Idle Idle Running Running Running Running Idle Idle The specification expected the component to perform one of the following events: fail() ok() but the component was only willing to perform: <new function call> Missing signal counterexample

After performing the function call begin(), the component must send either the signal ok() or fail() according to P1. However, before the component can perform the timer transition to send signal ok(), it receives the call change() via its other provided port client2, and transitions back to Idle where it cannot send any signals.

The following counterexample illustrates the case where the component fails to implement its provided port client2:

client2 client2 User User C C User2 User2 change() change() change() change() illegal illegal Main Idle Main Idle Idle The provided port expected the last function call not to be illegal. Trace counterexample

When it is in the Idle state, the component is not able to accept a call on change(), which it must be able to offer in all states according to its provided port P2.

Example 5: Spontaneous transitions that are not assumed to eventually occur

During verification, Coco is able to make certain optimizations in the case where it is able to statically determine whether a spontaneous transition in a port that is being used by a component results in visible behaviour (i.e. the sending of a signal). Specifically, in this case it is able to automatically assume that these spontaneous transitions will eventually fire without the user having to label them with the @eventually attribute. For spontaneous transitions that send signals directly within the transition itself, Coco is able to apply this optimization. However, in the cases where spontaneous transitions do not send any signals or send them indirectly, Coco is not always able to do so for all of the verification assertions, and in some cases may require users to label the spontaneous transitions with @eventually. Examples of how spontaneous transitions can send signals directly versus indirectly can be found in Optimizing How Spontaneous Transitions Are Handled.

The following example is of a component that is dependent upon eventually receiving a signal in order to implement its provided port, but where the signal is sent indirectly resulting from the occurrence of a spontaneous transition:

port SignalInEntry {
  function begin() : Nil
  function doSomething() : Nil
  outgoing signal ready()

  machine {
    state Init {
      begin() = setNextState(Starting)
    state Starting {
      spontaneous = setNextState(Running)
    state Running {
      entry() = ready()

      doSomething() = {}

port SendUpdates {
  outgoing signal update()

  machine {
    spontaneous = update()

component Impl {
  val client : Provided<SignalInEntry>
  val source1 : Required<SignalInEntry>
  val source2 : Required<SendUpdates>

  init() = { setUnique(source2, SendUpdates.update); }

  machine {
    source2.update() = {}

    state Init {
      client.begin() = {
    state Starting {
      source1.ready() = {
    state Running {
      client.doSomething() = source1.doSomething()

The component Impl has two required ports, SignalInEntry and SendUpdates, and has to implement SignalInEntry as its provided port. When verifying whether the component implements it provided port, the verification fails with the following counterexample:

client client User User Impl Impl source1 source1 source2 source2 begin() begin() begin() begin() begin() begin() return nil return nil return nil return nil return nil return nil [spontaneous] update() [spontaneous] update() (queued): update() (queued): update() (dequeued): update() (dequeued): update() Init Init Init Main Starting Init Init Starting Starting Starting Starting Starting Main Starting Main Starting LOOP The specification expected the component to perform one of the following events: ready() but the component can perform an unbounded sequence of behaviour without sending a signal. Missing signal counterexample

When the component has executed the function begin(), its provided port specifies that it must send the signal ready(), whereas the component can perform an unbounded sequence of behaviour without sending the signal instead. The component sends the signal ready() to its client only when it receives the corresponding signal from its required port SignalInEntry. This means that the component is dependent upon SignalInEntry eventually sending the ready() signal in order to satisfy its provided port specification.

Following the sequence of actions in the counterexample, the SignalInEntry port is in state Starting, where it can only perform a spontaneous transition, which results in a state change to Running and the sending of the signal ready() in its entry function. Further, the component can also receive an unbounded sequence of update() signals from its other required port SendUpdates, which it simply ignores.

This is an example of where Coco is not able to statically determine whether the spontaneous transition in SignalInEntry results in the sending of a signal or not. It therefore cannot assume that the spontaneous transition will eventually occur when verifying a component that uses SignalInEntry as its required port, because in the event that a spontaneous transition does not result in any visible behaviour, then this assumption would be unsound when verifying certain classes of properties.

To solve this, SignalInEntry can either be modified to follow the recommended pattern where the signal is sent directly within the spontaneous transition itself, instead of in the entry function of Running:

    state Starting {
      spontaneous = {

Alternatively, the the spontaneous transition can be labelled with the @eventually attribute:

    state Starting {
      spontaneous = setNextState(Running)

In the event that a spontaneous transition does not result any visible behaviour, or the signal is being sent indirectly due a genuine need to factor out common code, then labelling the spontaneous transition with @eventually is the way to resolve this. When doing so, users must be confident that this is the intended behaviour, particularly when specifying ports for external components.